Peters First Nation Logo


PFN Election to be held on December 21, 2023

PFN Election to be held on December 21, 2023

Chief & Council would like to remind members of the next PFN election which will be held on December 21, 2023. An election officer has not yet been selected at this time, but will be soon. The PFN Administration will be communicating updates and reminders to...
CCP – 2022 Survey Response Deadline Extended

CCP – 2022 Survey Response Deadline Extended

The Peters First Nation Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) has been updated and is being circulated for member review and input! All members will receive a copy of the CCP and a corresponding survey in the mail. Members who complete the survey by FRIDAY, DECEMBER...
PFN Membership Policy Meeting | Aug. 5 2024

Our Condolences

On behalf of Chief Norma Webb and Council, Peters First Nation is offering our heartfelt condolences to the families and loved ones of Robert Peters (September 21, 2022) and Ben Peters (November 11, 2022). Our deepest sympathies go out to the entire community and hope...