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Prepare For Extreme Heat & Wildfires

Prepare For Extreme Heat & Wildfires

As warm weather approaches, it’s important to prepare for extreme heat and wildfire emergencies. Prepared BC offers downloadable guides and fill-in-the-blank plans to help you prepare for emergencies. We encourage members to download the guides below to...
Prepare For Extreme Heat & Wildfires

Prepare For The 2022 Flood & First Season

Although we cannot predict when a flood or wildfire will occur, we can be proactive and take steps to prepare ourselves and protect our properties from being damaged by these events. To ensure your family is prepared, please review this emergency response...
Prepare For Extreme Heat & Wildfires

EMBC Heat Warning Support

A couple of key personal preparedness points: Keep cool. High indoor temperatures are associated with increased risk. Stay indoors in air-conditioned buildings or take a cool bath or shower. At temperatures above 30 C, fans alone may not be able to prevent...